Please register each volunteer/person individually!

If you received a permission code from your team lead please enter that code below the tickets field. Permission codes are required for Artist Hospitality, Site Leaders and Merchandise.

Green Team & Bike Valet

Check bikes in and out and provide security and storage for bikes. Assist Green Team with emptying garbage and recycling cans. Sort as needed. Keep festival grounds picked up.

Camping Guide

Orient campers to campground rules and areas, keep road clear for other campers, direct tent campers to vehicle parking and answer general questions. Ensure campers in both the north and south campground are following rules and staying safe.

Camping Traffic Control

Direct traffic into and within campgrounds, keep roads clear for all campers, answer questions with a focus on safety and efficiency. Ensure attendees are in the correct area with the correct pass.

Festival Set Up/Clean Up

Assist with festival site set up, hang sponsor banners, place directional signs, construct festival gates and boundaries. Must be able to climb ladders, bushwhack, lift heavy items up to 50 lbs., cover distance of festival grounds multiple times. Only one set up slot needed for a 3 day festival pass.

Assist with festival site clean up, take down sponsor banners, remove directional signs, deconstruct festival gates and boundaries, pick up festival grounds of remaining garbage and recycling. Must be able to climb ladders, bushwhack, lift heavy items up to 50 lbs., cover distance of festival grounds multiple times. Only one set up slot needed for a 3 day festival pass.

Required supplies for being a volunteer on this team:
*Water Bottle
* Sturdy closed toe shoes
* Gear for inclement weather and/or sunscreen/bug spray
* Multi purpose tool (aka Leatherman)
* Pair of lightweight work gloves
* Side cut pliers or anything that will cut zip ties
* Small flashlight or head lamp

First Aid

Volunteers at the First Aid tent must be an active license nurse, EMT, paramedic, NP/APRN, PA or higher license. You will be asked for your license number to verify your license per large event regulations.

Gates Crew

Bag Check Gate crew will check for wristbands, check bags to ensure no alcohol or glass is brought into the venue, and answer general questions. Back Road Gate crew will check for wristbands and ensure backstage access for musicians and crew only.

Instrument Petting Zoo

Supervise and assist children in the Instrument Petting Zoo. Music skills are necessary to demonstrate safe handling of instruments and basic chords.

Kid Zone

Assist in helping kids of all ages with their art projects, play, and making sure our kids area is always clean and safe.

Parking Crew

Direct traffic in upper parking lot to ensure maximum number of vehicles, answer general questions and direct attendees to the ticket booth and main stage area.


Ticket Booth volunteers will check in festival guests, provide wristbands, answer general questions. We are looking for organized and friendly folks who are willing to help out in a fast-paced environment. It is imperative that volunteers are kind, patient and helpful to our guests. Volunteers must be able to handle crowds and give information and directions to guests. !!!!Ticket booth volunteers MUST watch the training video before their shift!!!!

Volunteer HQ

Welcome volunteers, get them excited to be there!! Check in/out volunteers, and help direct them to their area. Must be able to coordinate on the spot changes in volunteer shifts with Volunteer Team Lead and Site Leaders. Help with tickets as needed. Close up Volunteer HQ for the evening and store materials for the next day.

Golf Cart Drivers

Golf cart drivers transport guests from the A street/Observatory Park Parking Lot to the Ticket Booth and from the ADA /Visitors Parking lot to the Ticket Booth. Volunteers must be over the age of 18 and must take golf cart training and follow the rules.




One Day Festival Pass

I have selected one (1) standard volunteer shift (not Peak, Festival Set Up or Site Leader) and I will receive a one (1) day festival pass for the day I volunteered for.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Three Day Festival Pass without Camping

I have selected two volunteer shifts, a Peak Shift, Festival Set Up or a Shift Leader and will receive one (1) 3-day festival pass. I have made sure that my volunteer times are at different times and not at the same time.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Youth - 3 day Festival Pass (no camping) - per person ages 0 - 16

This pass provides festival access for one person age 0-16 on all 3 days without camping. Great for local visitors from Ogden or attendees staying at our great local hotels!

Youth passes are free!

(+ $0.00 fee)

Vehicle/RV Camping Pass with an Adult 3 day CAMPING Festival Pass - Volunteer (6 remaining)

I have selected two volunteer shifts, a Peak Shift, Festival Set Up or a Shift Leader and will receive one (1) 3-day festival pass with camping. I have made sure that my volunteer times are at different times and not at the same time.

Purchase this camp site if you are bringing an RV, trailer, pop-up, van, truck, or any vehicle (under 30 feet) to camp in. This package includes one (1) $50 Vehicle/RV Camping site AND one (1) Adult 3 day Camping Festival Pass. Please purchase additional adult and youth tickets below. All campers over age 16 must have purchased an Adult 3-Day Camping Festival Pass.

This wristband allows access to the Festival grounds from Friday afternoon through Sunday night AND access to the camping area from Thursday at noon until Monday at noon.

Campers who arrive after 8:00PM on Friday forfeit their camping passes and will not be allowed access into the camping area. Please make arrangements to arrive during camping check in hours!

(+ $0.00 fee)

OVERSIZED Vehicle/RV Camping Pass/Site with an Adult - 3 day CAMPING Festival Pass - Volunteer (Sold Out)

I have selected two volunteer shifts, a Peak Shift, Festival Set Up or a Shift Leader and will receive one (1) 3-day festival pass with camping. I have made sure that my volunteer times are at different times and not at the same time.

Purchase this camping pass if you are bringing an RV, trailer, pop-up, van, truck, or any vehicle (30 feet or longer) to camp in. This package includes one $75 Vehicle/RV Camping pass AND one (1) Adult 3 Day Camping Festival Pass. Please purchase additional adult and youth tickets below. All campers over age 16 must have purchased an Adult 3 Day Camping Festival Pass.

This wristband allows access to the Festival grounds from Friday afternoon through Sunday night AND access to the camping area from Thursday at noon until Monday at noon.

Campers who arrive after 8:00PM on Friday forfeit their camping passes and will not be allowed access into the camping area. Please make arrangements to arrive during camping check in hours!

(+ $0.00 fee)
Sold Out

Tent Camping Pass with an Adult - 3 day CAMPING Festival Pass - Volunteer

I have selected two volunteer shifts, a Peak Shift, Festival Set Up or a Shift Leader and will receive one (1) 3-day festival pass with camping. I have made sure that my volunteer times are at different times and not at the same time.
Purchase this camping pass if you are bringing a tent to camp in.

This package includes one $10 Tent Camping pass (one tent ONLY) AND one (1) Adult 3 day Camping Festival Pass. Please purchase additional adult and youth tickets below. All campers over age 16 must have purchased an Adult 3 Day Camping Festival Pass.

This wristband allows access to the Festival grounds from Friday afternoon through Sunday night AND access to the camping area from Thursday at noon until Monday at noon.

Campers who arrive after 8:00PM on Friday forfeit their camping passes and will not be allowed access into the camping area. Please make arrangements to arrive during camping check in hours!

(+ $0.00 fee)

Adult - 3-Day Camping Festival Pass - Volunteer

I have selected two volunteer shifts, a Peak Shift, Festival Set Up or a Shift Leader and will receive one (1) 3-day festival pass with camping. I have made sure that my volunteer times are at different times and not at the same time.

Purchase this pass if you are staying with someone who has purchased a camping pass package. You MUST have a Camping Festival Pass wristband to access the camping area. The regular Adult 3 day Festival Pass does NOT allow you access to the camping area.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Additional Tent

Please purchase a pass for each tent you are planning on bringing.

(+ $0.00 fee)

South Campground Parking Pass - Volunteer (19 remaining)

Purchase this parking pass if you want to park in the South Campground parking area.
PLEASE NOTE: Vehicles parked in the South Campground Lot have NO IN AND OUT PRIVILEGES!!! For everyone's safety, cars must remain parked between Friday at 4:00 pm and Sunday 8:00 am.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Youth - 3-Day CAMPING Festival pass, ages 0 - 16

Please order this pass for each member of your camping party ages 0-16. Each youth MUST have a Camping Festival Pass wristband to access the camping area.

Youth passes are free!

(+ $0.00 fee)

Merchandise Set-Up and Support

Work in one of the best volunteer slots around in the Merchandise tent! Help guests select the latest OFOAM or artist merchandise and support the Merchandise sales team a . All with a great view of the stage!

Total: $0.00

If you have a code from a team leader please enter it below and press enter, then scroll up to find that section.

Contact Information

  • I chose my festival ticket in the Festival Ticket Order Form Section above.

  • I did not choose my festival ticket in the Festival Ticket Section and will take whatever is given to me.

Emergency Contact:

Please review the Volunteer Job Descriptions for the volunteer shifts you selected

Volunteer Orientation Handout.pdf

Camp Guide Team Plan.pdf                                                Hospitality Job Description.pdf

Camp Traffic Control Team Plan.pdf                                   Kid Zone Job Description.pdf

Festival Set-up Job Description.pdf                                     Merchandise Volunteer Job Description.pdf

First Aid Volunteer Job Description.pdf                              Parking Crew Volunteer Job Description.pdf

Gates Volunteer Job Description.pdf                                  Site Leaders Job Description.pdf

Golf Cart Team Volunteer Job Description.pdf                   Ticket Booth Volunteer Job Description.pdf

Green Team & Bike Valet Volunteer Job Description.pdf    Volunteer HQ Volunteer job Description.pdf

I understand that I will not receive any compensation for the above service and that volunteers are NOT considered employees for any purpose. I understand that volunteer service is not creditable for leave accrual or any other employee benefits. I also understand that either the festival or I may cancel this agreement at any time by notifying the other party. I understand that my volunteer position may require a reference check, background investigation, and/or a criminal history inquiry in order for me to perform my duties. I understand that all publications, films, slides, videos, artistic or similar endeavors, resulting from my volunteer services as specifically stated in the attached job description, will become the property of Ogden Friends of Acoustic Music, and as such, will be in the public domain and not subject to copyright laws. I understand the health and physical condition requirements for doing the work as described in the job description and at the project location, and certify that the statements I have checked below are true:

I know of no medical condition or physical limitation that may adversely affect my ability to provide this service.

I do hereby volunteer my services as described above, to assist in authorized activities at the OFOAM Ogden Music Festival, and I agree to follow all applicable safety guidelines.
Volunteer Code of Conduct

1. All volunteers have the right to be treated with respect; in return we expect volunteers to treat fellow volunteers, coordinators, performers, festival patrons, and the Fort Buenaventura Park with respect. This is a safe place for all members of the community.

2. Volunteers will treat the grounds with respect and are asked to camp in designated areas only.

3. Volunteers shall make every effort to fulfill responsibilities of their position. Failure to contribute minimum requirements or failure to fulfill shift commitment without prior communication with your coordinator may result in dismissal from the festival.

4. There shall be no consumption of alcohol by any volunteer who is on duty (wearing the Volunteer vest) at the festival.

5. There shall be no consumption of illegal substances by any volunteer at the festival. Disregarding this regulation will result in immediate dismissal of the volunteer from the festival.

6. No volunteers shall use to their own advantage any property or monies belonging to the festival. Volunteers must be honest and trustworthy.

7. Volunteers must always wear their credentials (wristband and vest) while on shift. Wristbands are not to be removed at any time. Without a wristband, volunteers are not admitted to the festival and will be forced to leave after their shift.

8. Should a problem arise, resolution should first be directed to your Team Lead, then to the Volunteer Coordinator.
I have watched the orientation video in its entirety and agree to the volunteer rules and code of conduct. I also have read and agree to the Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement as well as the Volunteer Code of Conduct.

I agree to observe and obey all posted rules and warnings, and further agree to any oral instructions or directions given by Ogden Friends of Acoustic Music (OFOAM), or the employees, representatives or agents of OFOAM.
I understand that there are certain inherent risks to attending (or volunteering for) a music festival and I assume full responsibility for personal injury to myself or my family members and further release and discharge OFOAM, Weber County, Ogden City for injury, loss or damage arising out of my or my family's use of the facility of Fort Buenaventura, whether caused by the fault of myself, my family, or other third parties.
I agree to indemnify and defend OFOAM against all claims, causes of actions, damages, judgements, costs, or expenses including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from my use or my family's use of or presence upon the facilities of Weber County's Fort Buenaventura.

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